Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our National Pastime: Running Ideas Into the Ground

George Carlin had it right when he said, "Where ideas are concerned, America can be counted on to do one of two things: take a good idea and run it completely into the ground, or take a bad idea and run it completely into the ground."

This is what we do. It's what's made us a great country. Running ideas into the ground gave us the Apollo program and rock and roll. It took computing, something that was once the sole province of statisticians and engineers, and made it a ubiquitous, and essential piece of daily life. This tendency to run ideas into the ground also gave us the Civil War, mass incarceration, and an unending rotation of saccharine, common-denominator-driven-packaged-for-export bubble gum culture.
America takes ideas, invented or appropriated, and exhausts all possible avenues of thought and action. The deep complexities of Mexican food becomes the Seven-Layer-Crunch Taco. The Star Wars trilogy, an original and successful idea, is expanded into spinoff movies, prequels, sequels, and billions in ancillary marketing opportunities, royalties, and other enterprises. We create great cacophanies of media, volumes of thought, and litanies of inventions, for better or worse. It's what we do.

Another big American idea is Freedom. American Freedom has been an essential source for the world's oft-exhausted reservoirs of hope and optimism. It's inspired nations to better themselves, and it's expanded global prosperity. In the century after the nation's founding, the idea of American Freedom helped to end the unquestioned rule of monarchies, and went on to spend much of the last century defeating several distinct forms of tyranny. But this is a new century now, and we're not done running the idea of American Freedom into the ground. We now believe in freedom to shop for both chemotherapy and assault weapons. We believe that bankers and oil companies should be free to dump their debts and detritus onto the public trust. We believe that individuals should be free from the social burdens of living in a complex society; free from universal public education, free from paying for someone else's health care, free from making any sacrifice to our short-term livelihoods for the greater good, or even to improve our own long-run chances. We also believe in other nations' freedoms to trade with us on our terms, and to run their governments according to our notions of Freedom. We apply our cultural proclivities, often noble and hard-fought, to all of human nature. It is in this way that American Freedom will one day run itself into the ground.
It bears repeating that our penchant for running ideas into the ground did the world a lot of good. The American idea of Freedom was more popular and successful than the competing ideas of Soviet Communism. The American idea of democratic rule inspired the defeat of sclerotic, kleptocratic governments the world over (even as we sponsored others). The good we did came with our own extreme ideas around the purity of markets, and ignoring the ancient hierarchies and power struggles that prevent poor, women, and minorities from exercising their own freedoms on equal footing. We fought the cold war on such absolutist terms that we sponsored Apartheid, right-wing death squads across Latin America and Africa, and the persecution of our own citizens for their beliefs at the hands of the FBI and congress itself. We intervened in the Middle East in order to foster democracies in places that were unprepared and uninterested in following our leads. At home, we grew to believe that any state intervention in the economy is a harbinger of total annihilation of our values. 

It seems very likely that like all American ideas, good and bad, American Freedom will have to be run into the ground before we can evolve. After all, we couldn't end slavery here without a bloody conflict that nearly destroyed the country and leaves scars across our culture even today, long after the war itself departed the realm of living memory. Now it is this modern American idea, itself an exaggerated mirror image of prior bad ideas like communism and the divine right of kings, that is left standing. At some point in our future, possibly very soon, the moderating forces against a total political adoption of American Freedom will no longer be in place. Some day soon, we will run this idea of American Freedom into the ground. And the world will have to live with what comes next, for better or worse.    

Winston Churchill famously said that, "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else." And that's just what we're doing. It's what we do.

Friday, May 27, 2016

What I Know For Sure About Donald Trump and 2016

Wow, almost a year with no blog. I've got to do better.

Donald Trump Will Screw You

…and I don’t care who you are. If there is one consistent aspect of this man’s behavior, it is that he will say or do anything to advance himself, with no regard for anyone else.  

The first trait this behavior is a belief system that views nearly all of the human race with contempt. If you are his friend or ally, he sees you as a weak submissive. If you are his enemy or opponent, you are the subject of a pathological hatred. People move from one category to the other with every news cycle, and it doesn’t much matter where one is. The common denominator is his contempt for us all, friend or foe.

The second part of this belief system is a need for love, but not a mother’s love, or a lover’s. I think of it as akin to the love that the Japanese Emperor demanded of men who were willing to pilot a bomb-laden plane to their own death, all for the man who says he gives you everything, for a need to retain an imagined order, and the anonymous safety that a steep hierarchy grants the average person.

Psychoanalysis aside, can anyone name one principle that this man has held constant aside from his own grandiosity? Is there any business associate from his decades of alternating rapaciousness and bankruptcy who will step forward and honestly say that he actually made them money? What would his ex-wives and confidants say if not for fear of legal action?

Watching Trump’s rivals bend the knee and pay homage to this man, after the personal venom he spat at them without remorse, makes me think two things. First, politicians sense that they have to get behind power at all costs. Second, a lot of people, even smart, powerful people, can be made into lackeys by saying just the right thing, or offering just the right meager concession, however fleeting. He will say anything to get you on his side, and if you cannot be won, he will do anything to destroy you and salt the earth of your ambitions.

For me, watching the crowds view this man with such adulation isn’t about who is right or wrong. I see people who are being told exactly what they want to hear, regardless of the world’s hard truths, the known limits to power and economics that constrain us all. We will not reopen the coal mines. The oil fields of North Dakota were never going to last forever, and the immigrants will never go home. He only gave money to veterans once he was caught red-handed, months after he swore to do so. It’s not even an indifference to you, but a malevolent contempt.

I can’t speculate on where this election is headed. The one thing I am certain of is that, no matter who you are or what you believe, Donald Trump will screw you. If you are running for office and choose to side with the man, you will either go down with that ship, or be taken on a ride to places you do not want to go. If you are a voter and place your trust in this man, you will one day be sorely disappointed. Donald Trump will not help anyone’s campaign but his own. Donald Trump will not build a 2300 mile long wall at the Mexican border. Donald Trump will not get your good union job back. He will do none of these things not because they are impossible, but because there is no chance they will help him to acquire more power or fame in the long run, when words end and money must change hands.

I believe that the next 6 months will be the man’s undoing, and in the end, one way or another, he will slink into the reeking shadows of ignonymity, with only his inner circle there to tell him how great he is. What I do know is that no matter how ugly this election gets, he can only screw me if he becomes president. And I will do anything necessary to make sure that does not happen.