Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 4: Is This Scurvy?

One of the best ways to make yourself write is to start a series of something. When you count day 1, 2, 3, etc. you start feeling obliged to add more. Even if you don't really feel like cooking or showing it off. Even if nobody ever reads it.

Vegan Week would be as incomplete as the proteins I'm eating it didn't get a full run of 7 days.

Here's all I could come up with on Day 4.

Back to basics. A typical pasta-and-sauce, with a few added tricks. Fresh oregano, mushrooms deglazed in grappa. Then you pour in a bunch of Textured Vegetable Protein and presto, you have an ersatz bolognese. It did the job.

The dog didn't beg tonight
Rotini Bullshitnese
San Marzano Tomatoes
Soy flakes

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