Monday, January 14, 2013

S. Pacific Volcano Mt. Cilantro Erupts

50 supertasters still missing.

Embassy Officials: "no comment."

The green guy upstairs is happy
Day 6: The Vegan Basin 

"Nobody saw it coming. There was cilantro everywhere. Our chief leaves the island and 6 days later, Boom! Our Cilantro is furious!" said a local man.

"But then we offered our coconut-peanutbutter-noodles-with-tofu-and-veggies to the mountain spirits. They thought it was awesome." and the island was saved.

Locals are advised to take cover

Stir-fried Offerings

Ginger-garlic tofu

With bok choi, onion, red pepper, and rice noodles

In peanut-coconut milk broth


1 comment:

beach not said...

ha ha ha!